Lip Reading and the Importance of Captioning

Lip-reading and the importance of captioning

Lip Reading and the Importance of Captioning The number one rule of communicating with individuals who have hearing loss is to avoid making assumptions. Just as no two people share identical preferences for food or music, each person has unique preferences for how they’d like to communicate. It is a common misconception that all individuals […]

Deaf Awareness Month

Illustration of two deaf people standing in front of an ear.

September is Deaf Awareness Month, with International Week of the Deaf taking place September 20th – September 26th this year. This month serves to increase awareness of Deaf culture and language and issues around accessibility for those who are Deaf. History of Deaf Awareness Month Deaf Awareness Month began in 1958 when the World Federation […]

Caring for a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Partner


Caring for a Deaf or Hard of Hearing Partner Communication is a key component of a successful relationship. Having a partner with hearing loss can make learning how to communicate effectively with one another challenging, but these relationships can thrive despite their communication differences.  This learning curve can occur when a hearing person meets someone […]

Four Ways to Make Your Event Accessible

Illustration of people presenting to a group

Four Ways to Make Your Event Accessible Whether your event is large or small, in-person or virtual, creating an environment where everyone feels comfortable and welcome is essential. Prioritizing accessibility ensures inclusivity and enhances the overall quality and impact of your event, making it more meaningful for all attendees. As you begin your event planning, […]

Signs Of Speech Or Language Disorder In Young Children

speech and language disorder

In our pursuit of increasing accessibility, we want to equip you with the knowledge and signs to keep your child happy and healthy. A speech and language disorder can be subtle and easily overlooked if you don’t know what to look for. Identifying the problem early can significantly impact a child’s development and educational journey. […]

9 Tips to Prevent Hearing Loss & Preserve Your Hearing

Tips to Prevent Hearing Loss and Preserve Your Hearing

9 Tips to Prevent Hearing Loss & Preserve Your Hearing Although hearing is one of the five human senses, it’s easy to take for granted. Hearing loss often goes undiagnosed or ignored due to more pressing health issues until it interferes with daily life. But just as you exercise and eat a heart-healthy diet to […]

Fiesta Bowl – Women’s History Month: Jen Schuck, Caption Pros

Image of the Caption Pros team

Fiesta Bowl – Women’s History Month: Jen Schuck, Caption Pros The content of this article is originally from the Fiesta Bowl website. Read the full article here! Sitting in a court room as a court reporter in Chicago, Jen Schuck always knew she wanted to ultimately become a captioner. She just needed to figure out […]

Five Inspirational Role Models Within The Disability, Deaf, and Advocacy Communities

Image of multiple disability role models

In honor of Role Models Month, our team highlights remarkable individuals from the d/Deaf, disability, and advocacy communities. This blog celebrates the work and significant contributions of Dr. Glenn Anderson, Dr. Carolyn McCaskill, Judith Heumann, Gael Hannan, and Haben Girma.  Dr. Glenn B. Anderson Dr. Glenn Anderson is the first Black Deaf person to earn […]

Walk4Hearing 2023

Illustration of people walking with the Walk4Hearing logo

Did you know that one in seven Americans are living with some degree of hearing loss? Hearing is an important part of overall health, and the Walk4Hearing calls on all of us to take action. The Walk4Hearing is the only nationwide event bringing attention to hearing loss and promoting the importance of hearing health. Funds […]

Recommended Books by Authors with Disabilities 

Illustration of two people leaning against a stack of books. The blog is about books by authors with disabilities.

Celebrate National Book Lover’s Day  August 9th is National Book Lover’s Day, and this year, we are highlighting some of our favorite works written by authors with disabilities. These books work to broaden the narrative around what it means to live with a disability and challenge commonly held views within our ableist society.  We also […]